Roulette Agency collaborates with the Association Come-to Italy (COME-IT) to the organization of the “2019 International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures” (MIMS19) to be held from February 28th through March 2nd, 2019 in Cetara (Salerno), Italy. The scientific program of this event is described on the External Website provided below.
The meeting rooms, the terraces and the banquet halls of the picturesque Cetus Hotel (www.hotelcetus.com), located in a scenic venue of the amazing Amalfi Coast, will host the scientific and social activities of the Workshop. Standing on a sheer cliff that overlooks an enchanting bay, the Cetus Hotel is located only 300 meters from Cetara, a historic fisherman village, and offers a striking view on the Amalfi Coast. The elegant décor and refined atmosphere is inspired by the tradition of Vietri ceramics. The hotel is equipped with 37 rooms, all with sea view, air-conditioning and internet wi-fi, and may host up to 91 participants. It also offers a private beach, set in an enchanting almost shell-shaped bay, wellness and fitness centers. Alternative accommodations are available at nearby hotels (www.multiscale.unisa.it). A trip along the Amalfi Coast will be organized on the morning of Saturday March 2nd, 2019.
Full delegate registration includes the accommodation in single or double bedroom at The Cetus Hotel during chosen dates of the Workshop time-window. Please complete your registration as soon as possible, upon following the registration form provided on this page, since the Cetus Hotel has released a limited number of rooms available to workshop participants (29 rooms, all sea view) and preference will be given to the attendees who first complete their registration.

Views of the Cetus Hotel
External Website
Registration Form